Yesterday, Washington Post printed an article entitled "The iPod: A Love Story Between Man, Machine." It basically goes through the emotional attachment that people have with their iPods because of the memories that people associate with music.
I've only had my iPod for a couple of months, but I seriously cannot commute or walk anywhere without it. I start to get anxious when I know that the battery is running low or when I have a big trip coming up and haven't loaded more songs onto it. I've even walked the entire way (uphill) from my Rosslyn office to my home in Cathedral Heights just because I was having so much fun playing DJ that I didn't want to stop.
"Every time I download a song to it, and every time I listened to that song, it forced me to go back somewhere where I haven't been to for a while."
I find that I can dictate my mood for the rest of the day based on what i'm listening to on my commute. Let's take this morning for instance- before leaving the office last night, I loaded some old school Mariah Carey tunes that I haven't heard since I was a kid. Magically, i'm back in the summer of '93 in my moms car belting out the high notes with my sister... In reality i'm standing in an overcrowded bus on my way to work with a stupid grin on my face, thinking back to those songs and the memories I associate with them.
Who knows where this digital music phenomena will take us. NPR also has a story today discussing how wedding singers/DJ's may become obsolete now that couples can hand select all the songs at their wedding using their iPods. Not only is it saving money, but also getting rid of the fear that Uncle So-and-So is going to request The Chicken Dance...scary...i'm not sure what other implications this will all have, but i'm enjoying the ride!
Nice on the Mariah....I do the same thing with my pod. I had to stop listining to some stuff b/c it would put me in a bad mood.
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