Fall is Like Sunday
Riding the Metro through the outskirts of DC last evening, I became aware of the fact that fall has arrived. It was only days ago that walking outside was like stepping into a sauna and the nights without air conditioning meant insomnia was a certainty.
Now the early mornings and late afternoons have cooled off, and the sun is already making its descent from the sky before I can get out of the office. For me, fall always brings a bittersweet feeling. The fall is my favorite time of the year. It means vibrant colors, bearable weather, pumpkin patches, light sweaters, football season, rugby season, Halloween, and a last hoorah before the long winter.
I approach fall the same way that I approach Sunday. I always look forward to Sunday because it's that last day off before getting back to the work week. It's often times the last chance I get to do the things I want to do before I have to get back to doing the things that I have to do. There's a bittersweet feeling wrapped up in Sunday because you know what's coming the next day, so you have to suck everything you can out of that one day just to keep yourself charged for the rest of the week.
Life looks different to me in the fall. I find myself consciously making an effort to enjoy everything and everyone around me before the winter takes that feeling away. I'm hoping that this fall brings lots of good times before I settle in for the long winter.
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