My Fear of the Rubik's Cubicle Dilemma...
I just read an article on the Phat Phree that perfectly illustrates how i'm feeling today. I never thought that I would miss college, but i'm starting to feel like Will Ferrell in Old School when he realizes that he'll only be with one person for the rest of his life--yeah, i'm a little freaked out. I'm in serious need of a trust tree right now.
Is this all?? Is this what I fantasized about when I was sitting in some boring lecture? The only thing that seems to be changing is the lunch menu and the weather...gahhh!! Maybe i'm just stuck in a momentary funk, but go ahead and read the article...
Ok, now- i've only been out of school for 4 months and i'm already stuck somewhere between Stage 2 (There's something happening here) and Stage 3 (and what it is ain't exactly clear). Some days I think to myself, "geez..this is right where I always thought I would be. I live in the city, i've got a cool job, I have fun friends, I live on my own (except for those 8 roomates, but who's counting), I can drink myself stupid (or at least until I run out of cash), and I don't have to answer to anyone." Wait...yes I do- there's the boss, the landloard, the credit card company...on and on and on....
It's only a matter of time before I start drinking wine out of a box, wearing a moo-moo and playing bridge. Damn, I already drink wine out of a box...AND i've started going gray...shiiiit
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