The Snakehead Fish is Baaaaack...
Ok, first things first- i've been horrible about posting to this blog lately and to my loyal readers, I apologize. I've been busy gathering my acorns for winter...
In other news, the Snakehead Fish is back with a vengeance. There are few things that scare me more than knowing there is a fish that can "walk" on land, has no natural predators, and could pretty much destroy an entire ecosystem.
What sparked my interest in the WaPo article however, was the fact that seasoned fisherman briefly mistook the Snakehead for a harmless Bass!! I believe this is why I shy away from fishing. I have no idea what i'm catching and I can totally see myself thinking I "caught a delicious bass" when moments later I open my cooler and the damn Snakehead jumps out and starts doing showgirl kicks like the freaking Rockettes!
Maybe i'm taking this a little far, but the damn things are multiplying like gremlins....ahhhh!
i feel as though simply living across the atlantic pond isnt going to keep those things away from me. Is it lame to be completely grossed out?
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