Finally, A Fantasy League I Can Hang With
I'll be the first one to admit, when it comes to making picks for fantasy sports teams...I downright suck. While friends and coworkers are chatting about their team pics and generally talking trash at the water cooler, I never really know what to say. Of course, it may stem from the fact that I don't really watch any professional sports. I like to catch a rugby match when it's on Fox Sports World - at least I can yell at the TV and know what i'm talking about (most of the time) when it comes to rugby...anything else is beyond me.
I thought I would be missing out on all the fantasy league histeria, that is - until a friend and fellow blogger, Catch Up Lady, tipped me off to....wait for it...a celebrity fantasy league!
I thought I would be missing out on all the fantasy league histeria, that is - until a friend and fellow blogger, Catch Up Lady, tipped me off to....wait for it...a celebrity fantasy league!
Now this is something I can get into - trainwrecked celebrities are my guilty pleasure. Finally, years of reading trashy grocery store magazines, celebrity blogs and watching E! are going to pay off! works just like any fantasy sports league. You can play in a public league, or a private one among your friends - make your picks for the season - and watch as the celebrity smack downs unfold. Quite simply, it's taking over my life.
The site is also appealing to bloggers, here's why - apparently Ryan Seacrest works around the clock. I mean, start flipping the channels and he's bound to be on one or two at least. So, the only time he stops to take a quick break is when he checks his Google Alerts....for himself. That's right, he actually checks his alerts to see if any news stories have popped up about him. So Fafarazzi, in an effort to capitalize on this and their growing popularity is asking bloggers to go viral and spread the word about Seacrest and Fafarazzi in hopes that he'll mention it on one of his 10 Billion TV appearances.
Pretty brilliant if you ask me. Will celebs start doing crazy shit for the Fafarazzi points? We'll never know unless they know, so spread the word! Oh, and if you want to get in on my fantasy celeb league, let me know. Suri Cruise has to surface one of these days - i've got my money on a media shit storm when it happens!
Ok, so I can't believe you didn't personally ask me to be on your team! I'M HURT!!!! You have some redeeming to do, my friend ; )
Yo, I need to get in your league - mine is up shit creek without a paddle! we're going to have to fight over Suri though, she's a strong 2007 draft pick!
Chrissy! I so want in your league...this is going to be my new at-work procrastination destination, very cool!
alright, you got me. your league please?
I'm playing over at instead. They let you put whoever you want on your team. I have Jessica Simpson, Eva Longoria, Johnny Knoxville, Lindsay Lohan (of course), and Ryan Seacrest. It's all free and for fun! :)
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