Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Adieu DC

That's right...on February 15th, i'll be an official resident of Maryland. Although i'm only moving a mere mile away from the DC border - I feel like some sort of traitor. The unions would refer to me as a "scab" for crossing the picket lines.

Believe me, I have my motivations for moving. In fact, I never completely unpacked all my things from the last time I moved...two years ago! I just never thought that i'd stay in a group house with eight other housemates for so long. When the opportunity to share a house with only two others (friends of mine) in the suburbs came along - I decided it was time for a change.

So i'm trading in my crumbling DC digs for a modest house in Silver Spring; purging my accumulation of crap and starting anew; shedding the college me and steppin' it up...(insert cheesy metaphor here)

I'll do my best not to turn into a boring suburban drone - my biggest fear, and I promise to stay current on all things DC...and throw a lil Maryland in there too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo man...Maryland rocks and you know it! Hell, it reared me...what more do you want??

Here are a few things you need to know before moving to my fair state:

1. Nickname: Old Line State or The Free State
2. State bird: Oriole (I know..no brainer there)
3. Our motto is: "Fatti Maschii Parole Femine" (manly deeds, womanly words) whatever the fuck that means.
4. State Flower: Black-Eyed Susan
5. State Tree: White Oak
6. And it became a state on 28 April 1788 (the 7th state to be exact)

God bless my father for teaching history and civics his whole life.


3:13 PM  
Blogger Chrissy said...

In 4th Grade they made us learn the same random facts about NJ.

I can still recite all the counties in NJ - in alphabetical order...

...but somehow, I can never remember where I parked my car - riddle me this!

4:43 PM  

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