Thursday, January 12, 2006

Alito's Roast

I'm usually able to tune out the TV that buzzes behind my head at the office. Of course, it's always set to the news - so i've been hearing the droning sounds of US Senators as the Alito confirmation hearings proceed.

There's been a lot of talk about my home state (NJ), as well as my home town (Princeton) as Alito defends his career decisions. I've only been catching bits and pieces of the hearings (hey, i've got work to do), but what I have seen (and heard) has surprised me.

Take for example the Senator who opened his line of questioning with lyrics to a Bruce Springsteen song, or another who launched into a diatribe about Princeton University and how he disliked the institution....for these reasons, and many others it seems to me that these hearings are more reminiscent of a Comedy Central Roast than a process to appoint a lifetime seat to a qualified candidate for the Supreme Court!


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