Let the (Holiday) Madness Begin!
Strap on the feed bag! In less than 24 hours (assuming I don't wreck on I-95), I will be sipping beers and eating the hell out of my sisters Thanksgiving feast. This is the first year that my sis is preparing dinner at her place and she's an awesome cook and much more domestic than myself. Where did those traits come from and why didn't I get them? Eh, i've got other talents...more on that later...
Sis called me last night while I was enjoying a delicious dinner and drink at The Wonderland. She mentioned that she has "a fridge stocked with Yuengling." Best.Sister.Ever.
Before this magical journey to destination "break out the elastic - waist pants" begins, there are several various and sundry items I need to take care of. They include the following:
1) Laundry - I have not run a load of laundry in at least two weeks and I don't own that many clothes. I'm not going to lie, my pants aren't wrinkled because I didn't fold them. They're wrinkled because I picked them out of the laundry basket...where they've been since last week.
2) Vehicle Registration @ DC DMV - Shoot me. I renewed my registration online back in October and never received my new window decal in the mail. I haven't been pulled over or ticketed for it yet. I'm going to the DMV this afternoon to get my sticker. Please keep me in your prayers.
3) Clean the Jeep - It's filthy and i'm starting to lose control whenever I have to sit in it. It's the leaves stuck to the floor mat that are really sending me over the edge. Also, my mom was riding in it two weeks ago and refuses to ash out the window. There are ashes all over the interior. For my mental health, I need it to be spotless before I drive it anywhere. That's just how I roll.
After these items are completed it's on! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!