Who's Who is a Crock of _______
I never receive mail at the office because I don't list my business address in my contacts. The fact that I actually got something addressed to me makes the letter suspect to begin with. It has fancy script letters and indicates that it has been mailed from Manchester's Who's Who Registry...hmm, this should be interesting...let's read it:
Dear Ms. Chrissy [ I use my full first name on all official documents.."Chrissy" is reserved for friends, etc. Manchester Who's Who is not my friend]
"It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2005/2006 Manchester Who's Who Among Executive and Professional Women "Honors Edition" of the registry."
["Executive & Professional?" These people clearly have no idea what I do for a living. I like how they put "Honors Edition" in quotations. Is that supposed to make me feel more special?]
"The 2005/2006 edition of the registry will include biographies of our country's most accomplished women. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands of executive and professional women throughout America each year. Inclusion is considered by many as the single highest mark of achievement."
[This is certainly boosting my ego, but let's be honest - I've been in the full time working world for a little over 6 months...I haven't accomplished anything worth printing unless you consider the record speed with which I can undo a paper jam a serious accomplishment. Also, call me crazy but if you consider this your "highest mark of achievement" than you are a fool, 'cause this is a scheme of Ms. Cleo proportions!]
OK - that's about it. There's an insert which asks for general information about my company and job, etc. I wouldn't exactly call that a biography. I'm sure the "pay to be a member" and "pay for a copy of the publication" comes later. Funny enough, there's a little tag at the bottom that states that "Manchester is not affiliated with any of the other Who's Who organizations." I guess i'll leave this to the "thousands of professional and executives" morons out there that buy into this crap!